Plans for a permanent, public memorial to Horsham’s Romantic and radical poet Percy Bysshe Shelley are moving a step forward with the development of an artist’s brief and selection process for the artist who will be commissioned to produce the final public artwork. It is proposed that the memorial will be situated in the centre of Horsham Park.

The Shelley Memorial Project has secured the support of Horsham District Council which has agreed to the installation of the memorial at the centre of Horsham Park. The Council has also ring-fenced funding to support the project.
Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Cllr Roger Noel commented:
“As a council we are really excited to be supporting the creation of a bespoke memorial to celebrate the life and works of Shelley, one of our most significant Romantic poets, who is world renowned and such a significant figure in our District.
“At the bicentenary of his untimely death, it is very appropriate that we honour his achievements in poetry.
“We are also really pleased that any shortlisted designs will go forward into a public consultation allowing everyone in our community to have their say on the final look of the memorial.
“Please do get involved and share your views to help shape the final sculpture.”

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Horsham Town Cllr Christian Mitchell added:
“We are all very proud of Shelley and his associations with our District.
“To have a dedicated memorial to Shelley in the town centre of Horsham will be very special and a unique tribute to the figure, and for it to be situated in our iconic Horsham Park will ensure it will be enjoyed by many.”

The deadline for artists to submit of expressions of interest in response to the brief is 31 January 2023, after which date, four candidates will be chosen to proceed to the next stage of the selection process. Details of the brief can be found on the Shelley Memorial Project website at   or by contacting [email protected] .